/ / Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy: the opinion of doctors. How can I give birth at week 37?

Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy: the opinion of doctors. How can I give birth at week 37?

Pregnancy for every woman is veryresponsible period. At this time, the body of your crumb is formed and developed. In many respects it is from the course of pregnancy that his health depends in the future. The standard duration of the gestation period is 40 weeks. However, this period is very conditional. Doctors say that the delivery can begin at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy or 41-42. This process will be considered normal. What was the opinion of doctors at 37 weeks? This is what the article will tell you about. Also, you will learn how to give birth at 37 weeks of pregnancy, and whether you can do it at all.

birth on week 37

Term of delivery

Standard pregnancy continues approximatelyten lunar months. This period is 40 weeks. It is at this time that most babies are born. However, the onset of labor can occur at both the 38th and 42nd week. At the same time, we are talking about an urgent process, that is, about a timely process.

Births at week 37 are theoretically recognizedpremature. The rules indicate that such babies should be placed in special kuvezah and receive special supervision. However, modern specialists have a slightly different opinion on this matter.

Childbirth at 37 weeks: opinion of doctors

Physicians say that the beginning of the patrimonialactivity can come at absolutely different times. In this case, premature babies require special supervision and sometimes emergency help. Medicine has made a big breakthrough in recent years. Now even babies born after 22 weeks of pregnancy can get a big chance for life. However, this requires appropriate equipment and competent specialists.

Births at week 37 may be considered urgent orpremature. It all depends on the duration of the female cycle and the individual features of the new mum. Doctors always assess the condition of the baby, before talking about premature birth. Consider two main options and find out the opinions of doctors about such conditions.

Immediate delivery at 37 weeks

How do physicians characterize delivery at week 37? About the process that occurred on time, it can be in the following cases:

  • If a woman has a regular short cycle, then herthe duration is on average three weeks. Since the expected date of birth is established using standard calculations, in this case it will not be displayed correctly. The process of delivery should begin one week earlier. That's why the baby, who appeared in the 37th week of pregnancy, is admittedly full and does not require additional help.
  • In some cases, it may happen that deliveries at 37week lead to the appearance of a fully full-term child. It is worth recalling that in the womb all babies develop unevenly. Each child can be noted so-called jumps in growth. It also happens that at 37 weeks a child is born who, according to development and size, corresponds to a 40-week-old baby.

birth at 37 weeks gestation

In both of these cases, physicians recognize childbirthurgent (on time). Doctors say that a few decades ago this assessment and classification were not used. The process of delivery, which began at 37 weeks, was always considered premature.

Early childbirth

In what cases do doctors say thatthere were premature births at week 37? Initially, when a woman in labor enters the hospital, the doctors make this diagnosis always. However, after the birth of a baby, the conclusion can be confirmed or withdrawn. What assessments are guided by obstetricians, gynecologists and neonatologists?

  • About premature births it is a question in that case,if the child has insufficient weight and height. So, the standard reference point is the body weight of 2.5 kilograms. The length of the baby's calf should not be less than 48 centimeters. In other cases, labor at 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered premature or early.
  • Also, doctors talk about early births whenthe process has already begun, but the woman's body is not ready for it. So, often there is a discharge of amniotic fluid, but the fights go "empty", that is, they do not lead to the opening of the cervix.

birth in 37 weeks opinion of doctors

It is worth noting that delivery at 37 weekspregnancy are not a catastrophe. Much worse will be if the baby is born in 42 weeks, but in its development will correspond to 38-39. In this case, the birth is recognized as urgent, but it is already a matter of delaying intrauterine development.

Is it worth calling birth: the opinion of doctors

Doctors say that delivery for the 36-37 weekpregnancy can lead to completely unexpected consequences. The baby can appear quite viable and ready for further development in the new environment. However, in some cases, the child appears prematurely. This entails severe consequences. However, only one or two weeks of being in the mother's womb would help to avoid such problems. Is it worth it to call birth?

Doctors say that at this time there is nothe need to initiate labor. The baby himself appears in the allotted time. External interference in the gestation process can lead to complications. Doctors say that it is possible to cause childbirth, but it should be done only after 40 weeks of pregnancy, and then there must be good reasons for this. However, mothers do not always listen to the opinion of specialists. The desire to get rid of the stomach as soon as possible and take your baby into his arms encourages women to resort to the most unexpected actions. Let's consider the basic ways of how you can cause childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

birth on 37 38 week of pregnancy

Physical activity and walking

One of the most effective andchildbirth is walking. It is worth noting that it helps only with full term pregnancy. If your uterus is ready to release a child into the outside world, then prolonged walking and exercise will provoke a fight. When the childbearing body is not yet ready to start its work, these manipulations will not lead to anything.

You need to walk a few hours a day. In this case, women talk about increasing the effect when climbing the stairs. Also you can spend a lot of cleaning in the house. Wash the floors. Do not use a mop. Wash the windows and remove the drapes. Remember that you can not lift weights.

childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy recalls

Miracle Cocktail

One known gynecologist helps to give birthcocktail. For its preparation you need to mix one part of orange and apricot juices. Also put in a container of 100 milliliters of champagne. Add half the pack of castor oil to the mixture. And drink it.

The effect of such a cocktail will not keep you waiting. Within a few hours you will feel the urge to defecate. After a thorough cleansing of the intestine, there is a high probability of the onset of contractions. The same effect has an enema. However, it should have decent volumes. To call births you will have to clean the intestines with at least one liter of water. Remember that at 37 weeks of pregnancy this method can lead to a discharge of amniotic fluid in the absence of opening the cervical canal! In this case there is a probability of a cesarean section.

Take into account the fact that the above ways of activating labor can affect your child's health. Be reasonable!

Sexual contact

Reviews of women in childbirth and doctors say that sexcan trigger the onset of labor. A special effect is achieved when the future mother experiences an orgasm. Rhythmic contractions of the genital organ cause contractions. Also in the semen of a man contains certain substances called prostaglandins. Their effect on the cervix is ​​very effective. The fabric begins to soften and open.

It is worth noting that sexual contact without a condom can be made only with the preservation of the mucous plug. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the fetus will become infected.

preterm labor at week 37

Hot bath: stimulation with heat

Often, women in order to cause childbirth,take a hot bath. It is worth saying that this method has very little efficiency. The risk of bleeding and infection is very high. Doctors strongly do not recommend resorting to this method, even with a fully terminated pregnancy. What can I say about the term of 37 weeks!

childbirth at 36 37 weeks gestation

The sauna and the sauna have a similar effect. Remember that such manipulations are contraindicated for women with heart and vascular diseases. Also the main prohibition is placenta previa.

Raspberry tea and aromatherapy

Calling for labor at 37 weeks gestation and laterit is possible with the help of raspberry tea. To prepare the cervix for the natural process, it is necessary to regularly use a chilled broth of crimson leaves. If it is necessary to cause real contractions, then you should use a hot drink.

To enhance the effect of tea drinking aromatherapy will help. To carry it out you will need a special lamp, rose oil and jasmine. Prepare a mixture of water and a few drops of both oils. Heat the composition with a special device and breathe. Thus, enjoying the pleasant aroma of oils and hot tea, you can provoke the onset of labor.


Now you know what kind of childbirth is at 37week of pregnancy. Remember that you should not engage in amateur activities! If you want to give birth early, then contact your gynecologist and find out about what it is fraught with. Millions of women soon begin to regret them after the actions taken. It is worth saying that not always taken measures cause the beginning of labor. However, such actions often lead to problems that can not be eliminated. Be responsible for the health and life of your baby. Easy to you delivery in time!

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