How do the drawings on the abdomen of pregnant women?
Even before the baby is born,parents begin to adore him. During pregnancy, they express a trembling attitude towards him in various ways. To capture this important moment, many make drawings on the stomach. Pregnant women look very different pictures on the pus. Thanks to the drawings, Mom and Dad tell the world that they are waiting for their baby.
Every day becomes more popular body arttummies of pregnant women. Previously, this was something unusual and unusual. Now almost every woman who is in a position thinks about making herself such a beauty.
Figures on the abdomen of pregnant women: the basic rules of application
In order to make such a masterpiece, you will need:
• Brushes;
• an artist who will create a beautiful drawing;
• A set of special paints.
Can create drawings on the abdomen of pregnant women can their older children or husbands. If none of the family members has the ability to do fine art, then contact a professional.
If we talk about colors, we need to choosehypoallergenic, safe. You can use gouache, pre-mixing it with glycerin or petroleum jelly for durability (for 50 grams of paint you need about five grams of additional funds). Before you apply anything on the body, you need to conduct an allergy test. How to do it? It is necessary to apply paint on the inside of the wrist and wait for ten minutes. After this time, it is worth to look at the test site. If he did not blush, an itch in this area did not appear, then you can start the process of creating a masterpiece.
Brushes can use the simplest. In this business, the main thing is to create very carefully.
Figures on the abdomen of pregnant women can last from two hours to seven days (this is if you use a special paint for body art). If you make an image of henna, it will last about a month.
Choose the motive
Which image to choose? The plot of the picture depends on what the woman wears under the heart. That is, one of the decisive factors in this matter is the sex of the baby.
Waiting for the girl? Then decorate your puziko with images of flowers, dolls, bows, nature. The pictures should be colorful and bright.
If you wear a boy under the heart, then the drawings can be different, except, of course, girly.
Sometimes on the abdomen even pictures of ultrasound of the future baby are depicted. Pictures with babies and storks are also popular.
Some women who are in the"interesting" position, decorate not only the tummies, but also the arms, hips and chest. Skillful artists make so that in such a masterpiece there is not a drop of obscenity, on the contrary, you get unusual photos for memory.
If you are interested in drawings on your stomachpregnant women, the photos presented in the article, as well as our recommendations will help you find the right motif. Be healthy, happy and grow the same children!