/ / How to teach the dog the command "fac"? Now find out!

How to teach a dog the command "fac"? Now find out!

How to teach the dog the command "Fas"? Now we will deal with this issue in detail. So, let's begin.

How to teach a dog the command "FAS" correctly? To work out this skill, you will need an assistant who will act as a criminal (enemy). The first session should be conducted in the environment to which the dog has already become accustomed. It is also necessary to choose a shelter for the helper. This person with him should have such things: a soft rag, a tourniquet and a dressing sleeve. After the helper hides, a dog is planted on this territory, tied to a tree and a pole.

how to teach a dog to the team fac
After the signal of the trainer, the assistant moves in the shelter, then, striking the bundle on the ground, gradually approaches the attached dog. At this point the cynologist must give the dog the command "Alien".

If after this the dog shows anger, then hepraises him, says "Good." The first few sessions assistant only imitates fear. Then the exercise becomes more complicated. The assistant no longer only strikes the ground with a tourniquet, but also strikes with a small rod along the animal's body. If the dog wants to grab the tourniquet, the helper substitutes a rag instead (at the same time he starts pulling it, as if trying to take it away), then throws it and runs away, hiding in the shelter. At the moment of the fight, the trainer still excites the animal, repeating the "Alien" command, and praises the dog, exclaiming "Good." After that, the animal is given time to rest a little. Then the exercise is repeated two more times. This is necessary to consolidate the skill.

Anger development

How to teach the dog the command "FAS"? To develop malice in the dog - otherwise. If the animal is not aggressive enough, then the helper should cause by his actions a desire to rush at him. The cynologist submits the "Fas" command to further arousal the dog's anger. Once the dog shows it, it is immediately encouraged.

Interception production

The trainer keeps the dog on a short leash. The assistant at this time teases him, then runs away. Further, the cynologist gives the command "Fas", together with the dog they pursue an assistant. When there is a small distance between the dog and the runaway, the latter turns half-turned and expose the dog to the sleeve.

dog's facial team
If the animal grabbed it, then the helperpulls him to himself, in order to strengthen the grip. Then he walks closer to the dog a couple of steps to stop stretching, and brings another sleeve over the dog's head to strike. The dog, seeing the approaching danger, intercepts it. Repeat the exercise three times. As soon as the cynologist pronounces the command "Stop," the struggle ceases. After that, the dog is reassured, encouraged and taken away a few steps from the "enemy".

How to train a dog team "Fas" at a distance?

If, after stopping the fight, the dog is still holdingassistant, the cynologist says "Give", followed by a sharp jerk leash. Then the dog is seated near the helper and given the command "Guard". All this time the cynologist has carefully monitored her actions. All attempts to attack are stopped by the command "Sit" and a sharp jerk of the leash. At the last stages of training, the assistant attacks from the shelter unexpectedly. After the habit of detaining a person on the spot has been developed, the dog learns to catch the evader. Distance during training gradually increases. Start with 20 meters. So, the assistant, being at this distance from the dog, encourages her to attack, then the cynologist gives the command "Fas", and the dog starts up for detention.

The "Fas" team for dogs: the main mistakes in working out a skill

• Strong strokes that result in fear of an assistant in the animal.

• Training takes place in the same place. This can lead to the fact that anger will only appear there.

• Use only one person as an assistant. So the animal can develop anger only at him.

how to train a dog team fas
• The same clothes. The dog will have an unwanted connection - to pursue and detain only the person dressed in such a suit.


Now you know how to teach the dog the command "FAS". It is desirable to engage in training in the presence of a trainer, so as not to make mistakes and not to disturb the animal psyche.

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