/ / Sparrow chick: what to feed the bird?

Nestling of the sparrow: what to feed the bird?

In spring, when most of the birdsoffspring, fallen chicks under the trees - not uncommon. Small yellow-beaked ptahs look so pitiful that many people start to suffer with conscience and take such chicks home: to warm, feed, and save.

chick sparrow than feed
So, you got a small chick from a sparrow. What to feed this crumb? These birds are probably the most common feathered inhabitants of our continent. There is no place where they can not be found. They are already small in size, and their chicks look tiny at all - it's too scary to breathe, not to feed it! But you have to feed, since he got into your house.

What can you feed a young bird of a sparrow? First, remember that the chicks of small insectivorous birds - sparrows, tits, larks - eat a day's food with a volume of ¾ of their weight. Naturally, it is best if the bird's diet is based on the insects habitual to it: flies, worms, grasshoppers, larvae, bugs. But, of course, getting them can be difficult. What else does the chick bird eat? What to feed it, and what is not? For some reason in fairy tales, books, movies, sparrows are fed with bread. However, this can not be done strictly. Bakery products chicks can be given no more than once in two days, and even then only in the form of a soaked crock. In addition, you can give a little chopped raw or boiled meat, steamed oat flakes or seeds of milk ripeness, ground in a mortar. Suitable for feeding grated vegetables (carrots, cucumber, beets), squeezed from excess juice. Also, you can feed the baby with curd or boiled egg, the main thing is that the food is unsalted. It is better to add a little crushed chalk or coal to the food (such a spice will be happy chicken sparrow) than to feed salty foods. You can not give salt to birds at all!

than you can feed the chicks of a sparrow
Since the chick is still small, it must be fedoften (at least once every two hours). The task is difficult, therefore it is considered that it is difficult to feed the chicks of small birds. Do not forget also that, in addition to eating freely available, the bird should have clean water. Try to eat the chick himself, but if it does not work out, try to give food by unclipping the beak with tweezers.

how to leave a nestling of a sparrow
But in general, before you leave the chicksparrow, think: perhaps it is better to leave it where it is? Most often from the nests fall out the so-called sletki. These are chicks still not able to fly, but made their first attempt to try it. Their parents then try to feed their child on the ground. And if the district does not have a large number of stray cats and dogs, the likelihood of survival in such a chick in the wild is much higher than in the home. Remember that very often chicks die at home due to improper maintenance or feeding. And if you really want to take part in the rescue of a bird, perhaps you'd better put the food trough where the sparrow of the sparrow is, than feed it his house in a cage. Remember: Breeding birds quickly die, being released into the environment.

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