/ / Pneumonia in a cat: symptoms and treatment

Pneumonia in a cat: symptoms and treatment

Like all living things, cats oftenthere are various health problems. Diseases of the respiratory system are especially dangerous. In recent years, veterinarians have increasingly placed pets diagnosed with pneumonia. In cats, the symptoms and treatment of this ailment will be considered in today's article.

Varieties of the disease

Under pneumonia is meant seriousInfectious process, accompanied by intoxication of the whole organism. Untimely initiated treatment often turns into various complications leading to the death of a sick animal. In modern veterinary practice, several types of pneumonia are distinguished. It can be bacterial, aspiration, parasitic, viral or fungal.

pneumonia in a cat

In the first case, the causative agent of the disease is most oftenbecomes pneumococcus, in the second - ingress of foreign objects, fluid or food in the respiratory tract, in the third - ascarids developing in the lung tissue. The most severe and difficult to treat is fungal pneumonia in a cat, the causative agent of which is cryptococcus.

Depending on the location of the inflammatoryprocess it is possible to allocate total, share and segmental forms. In the first case, the disease covers all of the lungs, in the second case it affects individual sites. Also, chronic, subacute and acute pneumonia is isolated.


Inflammation develops under the influence ofa whole set of factors that reduce the resistance of the body. Also, pneumonia in a cat can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, severe hypothermia, frequent bathing and staying in drafts.

pneumonia in cats

No less danger to the health of the animalrepresent excessively cold water and food. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to feed pets with frozen food. Also, pneumonia can develop due to ingress of animal fluids, foreign bodies and even household dust into the respiratory tract.

Pneumonia in cats: symptoms

It is very important to recognize this disease ininitial stages. So your pet will have more chances for a favorable outcome. One of the main signs of pneumonia is a cough. It is he who should become a signal that the animal needs to be shown to the vet.

Most often, pneumonia begins acutely and leads toa sharp deterioration in the well-being of a pet. The stronger the cat's body, the slower the symptoms of the disease will develop. Inflammation of the lungs is usually accompanied by coughing. At the initial stage it will be dry. As the disease progresses, the cough will become wet and sputum discharge will begin.

pneumonia in cats symptoms

Most cats diagnosedpneumonia, difficulty breathing. This is due to the disruption of the normal functioning of the lungs. Small and large bubbling rales are distinctly tapped in sick animals.

Also bacterial bilateral pneumonia incats accompanied by fever. That it is considered the main sign of intoxication. Atypical forms of pneumonia occur without increasing the temperature. The animal becomes lethargic, it drinks a lot and refuses to eat.

Diagnostic Methods

One of the main studies that allows you to accuratelyrecognize inflammation of the lungs, is a chest X-ray. As a rule, it is made in side and direct projection. Thanks to this specialist will be able to conduct a thorough examination of all parts of the lungs.

pneumonia in cats symptoms and treatment

To establish the severity of infectiousprocess, the animal take a complete blood count. To determine exactly what kind of pathogen caused pneumonia in a cat, a veterinarian is required to perform a serological or microbiological study. It is also advisable to take tests for helminthic invasions. In addition, the doctor must listen to a shaggy patient. This will establish the nature of wheezing and the so-called dumb zones. Under the latter refers to the foci of inflammation, in which breathing is not heard.

Pneumonia in cats: treatment

Animals diagnosed with inflammationlungs, prescribe a course of antibiotics sulfonamide series. As a rule, they are administered by injection. If after three days the cat is not observed a positive trend, then she is tested for sensitivity to drugs. This procedure will allow you to choose an effective medicine. Course duration is at least twelve days. Even with a clear improvement in the well-being of the pet, it is impossible to independently cancel the therapy recommended by the veterinarian.

bilateral pneumonia in cats

To facilitate the sputum removal process,“Bromhexin”, “Lasolvan” or “Mukaltin” are prescribed to your pet. In severe cases, infusion therapy is used to reduce intoxication. However, such procedures should be performed exclusively in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a physician. This is the only way to avoid possible development of swelling of the brain or lungs.

If pneumonia in a cat is complicated by phlegmon or abscess, then immediate surgery is necessary.

Diet and regimen

Sick and convalescent animal desirablefeed high-calorie, easily digestible food. It is important that the feed contains a large amount of protein. During this period, vitamins and minerals must be injected into the diet of the shaggy patient. This will strengthen the immune system.

One- and two-sided pneumonia in cats (chronic and acute) greatly weakens the animal's body. Therefore, young pets are better hospitalized in a veterinary clinic.

bilateral pneumonia in cats is chronic

If this is for some reason impossible, thenThe pet should be provided with complete peace and quality around-the-clock care. Try to disturb the four-legged friend less. At the time of illness and recovery, transfer the cat's place to a warm nook.

To facilitate the excretion of sputum, it is desirable for the cat to do a daily massage. In the absence of high temperature, the animal is recommended to give light physical exertion, causing a cough.

Preventive measures

It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In order to avoid pneumonia, you should avoid overcooling your pet. Cat food and water should be at room temperature.

Regularly important to strengthen the immune systemGive your cat vitamin and mineral complexes. It is strictly forbidden to keep the animal in drafts and in the cold. Also, do not forget about timely vaccination. In addition, it is desirable to systematically fully examine the pet for the presence of chronic diseases.

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