/ / Non-contagious diseases of chickens

Non-contagious diseases of chickens

In any household plot, where there is at leasta small house, and of course, in a private household, almost every owner has at least a few chickens. The presence of a dozen chickens is enough to provide seven eggs, while you always know that they are fresh and quality. But sometimes non-contagious diseases of chickens bring a tangible loss to the household, not to mention the farms where growing chickens is one of the types of business.

The causes of non-communicable diseases in chickensfirst of all, shortcomings in feeding, non-compliance with veterinary requirements, as well as unsanitary conditions of detention and frequent occurrence of stressful situations. Diseases of chickens have some common symptoms, such as refusal of feed, depression, reduction or termination of laying, reduction in live weight. Despite the fact that the diseases are non-contagious, they can often lead to the death of a bird. Diseases of chickens, as well as diseases of other animals, are much easier to prevent than to treat later, therefore compliance with the accepted norms of feeding and keeping them when growing them is the best prevention of any diseases.

Diseases of chickens and their treatment

Most often among chickens there is aan uncontaminated disease, as an avitaminosis. It is caused by deficiencies and imbalances in nutrition. Particularly fast for the lack of vitamins are actively growing chickens. The symptoms of this disease are immediately invisible, and for their manifestation some time is necessary.

The most common diseases of chickens occur whena deficiency in the diet of vitamin A, this is expressed in the poor growth of young animals, and in adults the number of eggs decreases or oviposition stops altogether. Also, the birds are in a depressed state, their plumage becomes disheveled, and sight organs can be damaged.

If there is not enough vitamin B, then there are disorders in the nervous system, which affects the coordination of movement of the chickens.

To ensure that such diseases of chickens as avitaminosis do not occur, in the diet, there must be a green feed, and in winter - vitamins containing fodder.

When there are obvious signs of beriberi, the feeding of drugs containing the necessary vitamins will be effective.

Cannibalism or incantation, though not aillness, but also brings a lot of harm. Its signs are plucking feathers from relatives, and in some cases birds peck each other to death. This is a consequence of poor maintenance and feeding.

If the bird is injured, it must be immediately isolated and treated with disinfectant solution.

In such cases, it is necessary to urgently improve the conditions of the bird and give it a balanced diet. It is recommended to give a double norm of salt and citric acid.

Such diseases of chicken as poisoning occur in the case of feeding poor-quality feeds that are improperly stored or have an elevated salt content, and are also treated with pesticides.

If there was poisoning with nitrate, then the birdthe crest and earrings turn blue, breathing is much quicker and death comes as a result of suffocation. For treatment, a solution of potassium permanganate is used, which is taken 6 mg per 10 liters of water and the birds are evaporated for 6-8 hours.

If salt poisoning has occurred, the birds have a disruption in the coordination of movements and the litter often stands out.

Poisoning can also occurplant poisons, and chemical compounds. In such cases, movements are also disturbed, shakiness and dyspnea appear. If signs of poisoning have appeared, stasis should be stopped for feeding of poisonous food.

To the factors that cause stress in the bird,includes inadequate and irregular nutrition, unsanitary conditions of detention, the presence of increased noise. Also, the stress of the bird is caused by vaccination and its research.

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