/ / Poses for Pregnant Women

Postures for Pregnant Women

It's no secret that it is during sleep that a personresting most effectively, during deep sleep, the strength is restored, the working capacity of cells increases. Pregnant women most need a normal night's sleep, which restores the body, which works in a strengthened mode. In order for the girl to feel good, she is recommended to sleep at least eight hours a day. It is obvious that lack of sleep will affect the general condition of the pregnant woman: the woman becomes irritable, the nervous system is exhausted, fatigue will increase dramatically. Unfortunately, not always the future mother can get enough sleep, and most pregnant girls suffer from lack of sleep. All this is due to the fact that the pregnant woman can not understand what position for sleeping during pregnancy is suitable for her.

Of course, at each time the sleeping posture forpregnant women change. At the very beginning, when there is no tummy, or it is very small, a girl can sleep on her stomach. However, later postures for pregnant women are much more difficult to choose because of the physiological changes that begin to occur with the body. The abdomen begins to interfere with the comfortable arrangement of the body during sleep, and therefore a restless sleep begins in the pregnant woman. The inconvenience begins with the fifth month, when the girl can no longer sleep in the usual pose. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it, the only way out is to adjust, to find those optimal postures for pregnant women, in which it is most comfortable to sleep. If a girl likes to sleep on her stomach, it is advisable to gradually begin to retrain, as this is not easy. Otherwise, the pressure on the embryo will be too intense, and even the amniotic fluid can not protect it. On the back, sleeping is much more convenient, but as a result of this situation, the back can be strongly hurt, breathing becomes difficult, pressure will drop. In case a pregnant woman sleeps on her back, the mass of the uterus will settle on the spine. Therefore, the best position for both is the position when the mother lies on her left side. In this position, the work of the kidneys improves, the flow of blood and nutrients to the baby, the swelling of the hands and feet decreases. In order to sleep was more convenient, you can put a pillow between your knees.

However, not only postures for pregnant women affectdream of a woman. In order to get enough sleep, you need to follow some recommendations. First of all, it is better to give up the afternoon after-dinner sleep, which affects the disturbance of the night. If you completely refuse it is too difficult, you should reduce it to an hour and a half. In the afternoon, do not exercise heavy physical activity, the body must calm down, relax, prepare for rest. Before going to bed, it would be very good to listen to slow, soothing music. If, however, a pregnant woman wakes up at night and can not fall asleep, do not force yourself to do it. It is better to work for some time with calming deeds, such as knitting, and the dream itself will come. Before you lie down, you can put a roller under your waist. With a roller it will be easier to find comfortable postures for pregnant women, since the entire load on the spine will disappear. It should be remembered that due to certain physiological changes during sleep on the back of pregnant girls can be dizzy. This means that this position is not suitable, and you need to think about how to change it.

In any case, it is important to know and take into account thata healthy sleep is an indispensable most important condition for the child's full development. Remember that now you are responsible for your child! Let your dream be sweet, full and incredibly enjoyable both for you and for your baby!

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