/ / Border Terrier: a description of the breed. Border Terrier Puppies

Border terrier: a description of the breed. Border Terrier Puppies

Of the huge number of dogs a hero for an articlewe chose a border terrier - an old hunting breed, which is used to hunt for foxes. In addition, this dog is quite cheerful and cheerful, so it is perfect for the role of a pet.

border terrier

From the history of the breed

The first mention of the Border Terrier breed dates back to the year 1880, but officially the European Kennel dog breeders' club recognized the breed only in 1920.

The homeland of these animals is the area betweenScotland and England. Dogs of this breed have always been kept by farmers, hunters and shepherds. Border terrier feels great in a cold and humid climate thanks to wool: the outer hair has water-repellent properties, and the soft and very dense undercoat warms the animal perfectly.

More recently, this breed was known onlya narrow circle of specialists and hunters of Britain. At home, the breed is actively developing: they are the most common domestic pets in England. In Holland these dogs live even among the members of the royal family.

In Russia, the Border Terrier was first introduced in 1998 by breeders I. Ippolitov and I. Alexandrova. At various competitions and exhibitions the dogs themselves are well recommended.

Breed description

Terrier Breeder Puppies

This, perhaps, is one of the smallest working terriers. Growth at the withers is 28 cm, weight is 5-7 kg. Dogs are used to hunt foxes and rodents. The Border Terrier is very hardy and has an excellent reaction.

The head slightly resembles the shape of the otter's head. The skull is quite wide. The muzzle is short, with developed and strong jaws. The nose of the nose is usually black.

The ears are small, hanging in the shape of the letter V. The neck is not too long. The limbs are straight. The body is long and narrow, the loin is well developed.

The tail is short, at the base it is thick. The dog holds it high above his back.

Color yellow, dark red, gray with tan red, red with gray tan.


Border Terrier, whose photo is not too oftencan be found in Russian cynological publications, the dog is very mobile, bold, at the merciless hunt, and at home affectionate and very devoted to its master. She is very attached to children, she loves long walks and trips. His character is simply adorable, but not everyone can understand it. Border can not be called a dog with a "soul unbuttoned." It will fully open to a caring and loving owner.

border terrier

Features of the breed

The creators of the breed did not aim to obtaina sample of exhibition aesthetics, so the border terrier has a somewhat unattractive appearance. However, the first not very positive impression changes as soon as a person looks at his smart and cheerful eyes. When you look at his touching face, a smile involuntarily appears on your face.

After a short conversation with this funny dogit becomes clear that he has a playful but at the same time balanced character. Border Terrier peacefully refers to dogs of other breeds. They are very curious and are interested in everything that surrounds them. A dog that has a sense of dignity, and even some severity (which manifests itself exclusively in hunting) has a good sense of humor. It is often possible to see a borderler who smiles, exposing his teeth. At the same time, his face expresses embarrassment or pleasure.


In general, this is a very healthy breed. The life span of the border terrier is 12-15 years. Most often, a dog may exhibit a shift in the hip joint and heart disease, and there are also cases of displacement of the knee joint. In order not to miss the onset of the disease, regular examination of the joints and heart of the animal is necessary.

border terrier photos

Using a dog of this breed

In foreign medical institutionsBorder terrier is often used as a "dog for therapy". They, along with their owners, come to hospitals and nursing homes. For many, they become very welcome visitors. In the UK, the Border Terrier undergoes a series of tests that confirm that he is friendly and reliable, and only after that the dog becomes a "therapist".

Border Terrier - lifeguard

This is another important work in which these dogsshowed themselves to be real professionals. Dogs on the trail are looking for dead or lost people in the terrain of any complexity. Agree, very important and difficult work.

border terrier price

Border Terrier Puppies

These babies are quite expensive in Russia. Today, not many breeders are currently breeding these animals. However, we do not recommend buying a puppy from random people. It is more expedient to find a nursery and purchase an animal in it. Border terrier, the price of which ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles, will have all the necessary documents and vaccinations appropriate to the age of the puppy.

Future owners should know that puppies of this breed need a confident and consistent upbringing. Kids are very smart, easy to learn.

What the owners say

Border terrier reviews (although a few)receives only eulogies. It becomes obvious that this animal is benevolent and friendly. For hunters it is very important that their pet is hardy and brave. Parents are happy that they were able to find a real kind and cheerful friend for their children.

Many owners are very happy that the pet is notrequires complex care. They feel great in a private house and in a city apartment. However, some people say that it is not always possible to make long walks, and after all, a playful boarder-terrier, whose photo you see in this article, really needs them.

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