The child rebuked a lot: worry or not?
Any responsible mother, of course, worriedthe fact that the child has regurgitated a lot after feeding. The healthy organism of the newborn is arranged in such a way that any physiological processes in it pass easily and do not depend on our desire. The regurgitation of milk or mixture prevents discomfort from overeating. If the child has much regurgitated after eating, it means that he just relieved the stomach of excess.

Many parents are concerned about the fact thatthe child (3 months) regurgitates a lot. According to experts, regurgitation can continue after reaching the age of three months, the entire period, while most of the baby's food is liquid.
Some mothers ask themselves the question ofhow often does their belch spew. This circumstance should disturb parents only if, in addition, there are a number of other signs that speak about the problems with the health of the baby.
To them it is possible to carry, for example, a bad increaseweight. If there is such a problem and often abundant regurgitation, you should consult a doctor. If the child has much regurgitated, the main thing is not to confuse this process with vomiting. Having come to the conclusion that the baby is vomiting, it will be right to immediately seek help from a medical institution.
Another sign that indicates a problem withhealth, dehydration. It can be determined by the state of the fontanelle. In the case when it resembles a cavity (pit), it is quite possible that a newborn has a lack of water balance.

Now let's talk about the existing norms. But remember that every kid is individual, and drawing conclusions based on standard situations is wrong. So, any pediatrician will tell you that a normal value is 5 regurgitations per day, and the amount of excess milk or mixture at a time can reach a maximum of 3 tablespoons.
If a month-old baby belches a lot, for example,every time after feeding, then try to change the tactics of applying to the chest, and with artificial feeding use a special pacifier, a suitable baby by age and having a special air valve. When the baby ceases to swallow a large amount of air during feeding, then it will be less likely to regurgitate.

And now read a few tips,To help the child avoid frequent regurgitation. The first thing to do is to hold it in the upright position after feeding. At the same time, the baby should be placed face to face and slightly tap on the back. Excess air will necessarily come out, and you will hear a characteristic sound for this process. Do not think that this will happen instantly, sometimes it takes about 20 minutes for this procedure.
On regurgitation can affect the position of the baby after eating. If you put it on your stomach, then he will probably bury a large amount of milk.
And yet, after the feeding is finished,provide the child peace. Do not throw it, change diapers or clothes, and actively play or massage. All these actions can contribute to profuse regurgitation.