/ / Charming West Highland White Terrier - a brave and agile hunter

Charming West Highland White Terrier - a brave and agile hunter

Long before appearing at exhibitions in Scotlandwas a well-known small white dog, belonging to the breed with a proud and sonorous name - west highland white terrier. These are miniature but very persistent workers who have earned respect for their incredible performance, strength, endurance and courage.

From the history of the breed

West Black White Terrier
This cute little dog was bred for huntingfoxes, badgers in the mountains. Such activities required the presence of a reliable and active companion, which became the West Black White Terrier. He is full of courage and courage, easily moves from rock to rock, without fear penetrates into deep crevices, cleverly emerges victorious in the battle with prey. In addition, the white terrier was displayed for hunting underground, where he could not hear the host's commands. In such a situation, animals had to rely only on their own ingenuity and intelligence. As a result, it was possible to bring out an amazing dog with an inquiring mind, an independent spirit and unshakable determination.


Specialists unanimously assert thatthe West White White Terrier collected all the best qualities of the terriers and did not take a single bad thing. He is not bully, although he can easily stand up for himself, fighting with a much larger opponent. It is such a sweet creature that no one will remain indifferent when you become acquainted with it. It has everything you can wish to see in a dog. Cheerful, bold, absolutely self-confident and at the same time extremely friendly. He is soft, gentle and faithful, but not a sycophant. West is very smart and easy to learn.

He's too smart to argue, butnever deviate from the struggle, no matter how large the enemy before him. According to many experts, those who have vesta do not need a large pet because the dog himself believes that he is a big dog. This is a unique combination of a home guard and affectionate kitty. Hunting instincts were absorbed into his flesh and blood.

west highland white terrier


A native of Scotland, a West Indian white terrier,photo of which you see in this article, has a small size, standing ears and a high-lifted tail. It is never stopped. In this dog, an amazing combination of activity, strength and funny appearance. The limbs are short and much flatter than the Scotch terrier. They allow the West to deftly make their way among the stones and along mountain paths, and thick wool on the neck and head protects the animal from the bites of the enemy.

For this breed the white color is dominant. The height of the dog at the withers does not exceed 30 centimeters, weight - no more than 9 kilograms. Strong physique, torso compact, wide and strong loins, withers and the top of the croup are on the same level. The head is densely covered with hair. It should not be too forward. The muzzle tapers to the nose. Ears are small, erect, triangular in shape, covered with short and dense wool, like velvet. The tail is up to fifteen centimeters long. It is covered by a short stiff coat without strips. He is high-set and gives the animal a fervent look.

Maintenance and care

West Black White Terrier Photo

Undoubted dignity, which possessesWest White White Terrier, - absence of molting. This greatly facilitates the life of the owners, but at the same time it becomes necessary to trim the animal at least three times a year. It is not recommended to use the clipper, as this greatly worsens the structure of the animal's fur. Correctly processed (with a trimming knife), it becomes stiff and dense.

But you need to brush your pet with a hard brush daily. In this case, the dog always looks very well-groomed and neat.

Even if you are not a hunter, but you really want to acquire a clever, affectionate and devoted pet, the Westhyland white terrier is the dog for you.

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