Symptoms of sunstroke in a child - we warn the causes and eliminate the consequences
Play in the sandbox or sunbathe on the beach - it'sfavorite children's summer entertainment. But suddenly the baby becomes sluggish, rising, stumbling to the bench and sits exhausted. Parents should know that these are the real symptoms of a child's sunstroke, the prevention and elimination of which will be told.
Signs that should alert
Hot summer is a wonderful time, so that moretime to spend in the open air, however, and it can harm the health of the baby. And therefore, walking with the child, you should carefully monitor his condition.
Sunstroke in children is a ratherIt is common in conditions of increased activity of the light, when the temperature reaches 29 degrees and above. What should alert parents first? Of course, a sharp change in the behavior of the child. For example, if the kid was quietly playing in the sandbox and suddenly began to jerk frantically. It is quite possible and another situation, when the carapace becomes sluggish and asks to sleep.
But the symptoms of a sun stroke in a child canmanifest themselves in a different way, such as a viral infection or poisoning. The baby rises sharply, it turns pale or, on the contrary, blushes, it vomits or tears, it is likely and the presence of nosebleeds. In this situation, parents are often lost, not understanding what is the cause.
Signs of an extremely difficult condition with a sunstroke are delirium and fainting. In such a situation, medical workers should be called immediately.
As can be seen, the symptoms of a child's sun strokecan easily be confused with the manifestations of other diseases. And therefore, it is necessary to know how to behave when the above signs are detected in order to reveal their cause.
Sunstroke is the first medical aid and actions of parents
If the parents found any of their childrensigns of the first two groups, they are obliged to move the child into the shade and undress. Ideally, this should be a cool room, but in no case is the flow of air from under the air conditioner.
Next, the baby should be allowed to drink water and wipehis face, armpits and inner side of his thigh with a wet towel. Then wipe it all. Such actions will not only eliminate the lack of water, but also reduce the temperature of the body.
When nausea and urge to vomit a childlay on your side. If these symptoms are absent, then the baby is simply laid on a flat surface, a roller is placed under the head so that it rises slightly above the body and a cold compress is applied. The latter actions will reduce the flow of blood to the head and contribute to a decrease in temperature. If the above actions do not help, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Warn, not eliminate
Symptoms of sunstroke in a child can be prevented. To do this, you should follow simple recommendations for finding outdoors in the summer.
The first thing parents should take care of is the presence of a panama or other headdress during a walk and even bathing in ponds or pools. It is best to select their light tones.
The second is the correct mode of staying in the open air. You can walk with the child until 11 o'clock and after 16 o'clock, and choose shaded areas or parks.
The third is proper nutrition. In summer it is better not to eat fatty and heavy food. Compliance with these recommendations will minimize the danger of a bright sun.