/ What is specialization of production?

What is the specialization of production?

To understand what specialization is,look around. Here is a store, there are showcases, a cash register, modern merchandising rules are applied. The seller works in the shop. He knows how to use a cash register, knows everything about the product, can beautifully arrange it on shelves and, if desired, easily persuades you to buy something.

 What is specialization?
Here's the bus. It is adapted for comfortable transportation of passengers (handrails, seats, large windows). The driver drives the bus along the asphalt road, follows signs, follows traffic signals.

The above examples definitely have something in common:

  1. Each of them represents a certain type of activity, the result of which is a specific product or service (sale of goods, transportation of passengers).
  2. To carry out activities, special technologies, materials, equipment (bus, shop window) are used.
  3. Actions are carried out by specialists trained in a certain way (seller, driver).

We are dealing with specialization. And what is specialization? This is when a state, an enterprise or an individual concentrates their efforts on a certain activity, on the creation of a product (service) or even a separate part of the product. With specialization, co-operation is inextricably linked, which is the interaction of subjects, each of which has its own specialization, but all together they create one final product.

Specialization and co-production
The notion of what is specialization andcooperation in the interaction, give elementary examples. One company has a specialization in the manufacture of engines, the other - in the production of tires, the third is engaged in assembling cars, but all together they produce one final product - the car. This is cooperation. The marketer learns what kind of goods will be well bought, the seller purchases it, the economist calculates the volume of turnover and the prices at which the company will profit. This is also cooperation.

The division of labor and specialization are indispensablethe result of the development of the economic activity of society. A person can not physically engage in everything at once. Moreover, he does not have all the necessary resources. Finally, this is simply inefficient.

Division of labor and specialization
First, when a person is engaged in one thing,over time, it's getting better. He can gradually improve the process, invent something new. There are technologies, special equipment. Imagine an enterprise that constantly changes the type of output. Endless retraining of staff, adjustment of equipment and a lot of other efforts, resulting in a decrease in efficiency and productivity.

Therefore today specialization and cooperationproduction (and not only production) are natural and even necessary methods of management. We observe this process at all levels: from the division of household duties to international economic cooperation.

Thus, answering the question about what such a specialization is, it can be said that this is a modern international form of labor organization.

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