/ / Management styles in management and their features

Management styles in management and their features

From an early age a person knows what iscontrol. First, we come across the management of, for example, a children's bicycle, then a car, then with equipment management and so on, incrementally. It occurs in all areas of human activity.

Management styles in management are a way (ortheir combination) of the manager's interaction with his subordinates. Relations with staff directly affect the efficiency and productivity of the entire company.

Management styles in management
As in any other field, in the sphere ofmanager-subordinate relationship, research is being carried out, which is why three main directions defining the management styles of the organization were identified.

Directive style is defined as dominant. The head tends to be aware of all that is happening and demands to report it to him exactly. With such management, all decisions are made solely by the head. There are no relations with the collective completely, and management methods are orders, reprimands, remarks, deprivation of bonuses. The directive style completely deprives the personnel of the initiative, which affects its morale and morale. As a rule, in companies with such a manager a large staff turnover, the work is carried out on the principle of "irreplaceable no."

organizational management styles
Democratic governance style impliesseparation of powers between the manager and his deputy. The head always listens to the staff and his point of view. With such management decisions are taken collectively, which makes it possible to feel the employees - the head goes with them in one harness, they pursue the same goals. If we consider all management styles in management, then the democratic one has greater success. In such a company, communication with the personnel takes place in a friendly manner, by the method of requests, recommendations, wishes, advice. The manager for employees seems to be an authority that will always help, which is an important factor for creating a favorable moral and psychological attitude. A collective with a democratic management style is reliable and works as one.

Management Management Styles
In the list of "Management Styles in Management"the next is the liberal style. The leader does not fulfill his true purpose - to rule. He, as a rule, waits for instructions of higher or is exposed to influence of subordinates. All work lies on the subordinates, the head prefers to leave the questions and take off all responsibility. Work of employees is little controlled, which can lead to disastrous results.

It would seem that the considered styles of leadership inmanagement are different, and more practical of them is democratic. Maybe this is so, the directory is more suitable for people who have a small staff of workers under their supervision. Liberal style can be found in creative workshops or studios. Creative people are more independent and do not require constant monitoring.

Therefore, one can not say that one stylebad, and the other - good. Everything depends on the specific situation, on the type of company's activity, on the personal qualities of the leader, on the basis of which the leadership styles are formed. Management does not imply a specific management style for a particular company and is not limited to them. Often there is a combination of all three styles, which in itself is an effective solution in a particular situation.

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