/ / Instruction for Aliexpress: how to order the goods

Instruction to Aliexpress: how to order the goods

It's hard to find people who do not know yet,that to make purchases through the Internet is much cheaper. Of course, many prefer to first look, feel the goods and only then give money for it, but risky citizens agree to conclude deals, focusing only on the photos of products. At the same time, they are attracted by a price that is significantly different from the cost of similar goods in stores.

One of such popular trading platforms becamesite, which presents the widest range of products: www.aliexpress.com. How to order a product on it, it is not difficult to understand. First of all, you need to register to purchase the product you like. Note, you can not search for a special button: when you try to order the selected product, the system will prompt you to enter contact information. All the lines must be filled with Latin letters.

Aliexpress how to order

After passing a simple registration procedureand confirming your mailbox, you can start to find out what exactly you can find on Aliexpress, how to order and how to choose products on this site. Please note that one of the main advantages of this trading platform of China is the possibility of free delivery, however, not all sellers offer it, some agree to pay for the transportation of goods, provided that you leave in their store a certain amount. When choosing, be careful: some shops work only on the condition that you will pay for the carriage of your order, and this is sometimes a considerable amount that exceeds the cost of the goods themselves.

To understand how Aliexpress works, howorder the product on it, carefully consider the interface of the main page. Take advantage of the opportunity to translate it into Russian. On the left side are the categories of goods, when you select each of them, you have the opportunity to group goods. For example, you can leave only those that are delivered to your chosen country for free, are sold at retail, pre-sorted by price, by seller's rating or popularity.

how to order from Aliexpress website

Having chosen the liked goods, it is possible to beginto find out how to order a specific product from the Aliexpress website. Once you go to the page where the product you selected is displayed, you will see two buttons offering to buy or add it to the shopping cart, and you can add it to your wish list under them. Choosing the second option, you can search for similar products, compare them and only then proceed with the transaction. If you have already decided to buy the product from the chosen seller on Aliexpress, how to order - it is necessary to understand in more detail.

Immediately after you click the Buy Now buttonwill be asked to fill out the form, where you must specify your mailing address and telephone number. The next step is to confirm the order, and then pay it. As soon as the site receives data that the money is received (and it takes no more than a day), the seller will start processing the order.

www aliexpress com how to order
Note, do not be afraid of the Aliexpress site, asorder the goods on it, it's easy to understand. In addition, this trading platform is the guarantor of the transaction. Money is not transferred to the seller until you acknowledge receipt of the order, they are blocked in the system. So do not be afraid, if the goods do not reach you or you send a low-quality product, you can return the prepayment.

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