/ Chickens Plymouth: general description and description

Chickens Plymouth: general description and description

Chickens plymouth are well known and loved in ourcountry. The unpretentiousness and endurance of this breed, the excellent taste of meat promoted the popularity and spread of Plymouths in private household plots, as well as their use in industrial poultry farming.

History of the breed

The name of the chicken pimutrock was received thanks tothe American city of Plymouth and the word rock - "rock" attached to it. That is, there was a breed in the United States, near the city of Plymouth, but the word "rock" described the compact and sturdy body of a bird. The "author" of the Plymouths was the farmer Wooster, crossed in the middle of the 19th century a mongrel with barred coloring with chicken from Langshan, Javanese and Dominican breeds.

Poultry chickens

The American Poultry Association already at the beginning of the 20th century fixed the standard of the Plymouth breed. In 1911, birds of this breed appeared in Russia, and a national standard was developed for them.


Among the common breeds of chicken pimentutrokare considered to be the largest. Today it is common to distinguish two main subspecies of this breed - American and English, with a larger body. Color plumage in plymutrokov can vary from white to black, but only eight basic color options are distinguished:

  • white;
  • Gray;
  • pale yellow;
  • yellow;
  • striped;
  • silver knotted (black);
  • hawk bound;
  • grouse.

Kurapatchaty color plumage, which can "flaunt" chickens plymutrok, the photo below is clearly demonstrates.

Chickens Plymouth Photo
It should be noted that in our country the most common are white (in industrial breeding) and striped colors.

In white chickens, chickens hatch a light color,and in the variegated - dark. Young at the age of 24 is easily recognized by sex. This is facilitated by a bright spot on the head: bright and clearly delineated in chickens and pale and diffuse in males. The operated chickens are also easy to recognize: roosters have a lighter color than chickens.

general characteristics

chicken pimutrok striped
As already mentioned above, chickens Plymouth areto large ones. Birds have a rather large and weighty body, a powerful chest and a wide back, a proportional head with a flat leaf-like crest and beak, earlobes and oval earrings of bright red color. The tail is rather small and slightly elevated, but the plumage is thick, which is especially noticeable in the neck. Many owners of Plymouths note the small activity of birds and the calm nature. For this breed, unlike some others, does not require a high fence, it is enough to be a fence of medium height. Chickens Plymouth (striped, patchy and others) with walking slightly lift the breast, which gives the impression of a rather proud posture in these birds.

Features of the breed

Plymutrokov is classified as chickengeneral breeds of meat-egg direction, but most owners bred them because of tender and healthy meat. Gourmets do not recognize the meat of this bird as elite only because its color is yellowish in color. As already mentioned, Plymouth is a rather inactive bird. The advantage of the breed is the ease of adaptation to almost all climatic conditions, as well as resistance to most diseases. A distinctive feature of the Plymouth is the rapid maturation. So, chickens of this breed at the age of half a year already begin to sweep. In a year, with good feeding and nursing, one adult bird can bring up to 170 eggs. Pedigree signs are stable, and plymutrokes retain their pedigree qualities well in offspring. Chickens are inclined to incubation and are characterized by calm behavior. Chickens grow quite fast, but feathers slowly - only at the age of 43-50 days. The weight of an adult cock of this breed is on average 4 kg, and of chickens - from 2.7 to 3.5 kg.

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