How many bitcoins does the world have?
In the world of only talking about what's newcrypto currency - bitcoins. They are written about in the media, on blogs and websites. Many are agitated by the idea of money without the owner and without a material equivalent. The currency, which can not be touched, has recently increased significantly in price. About how many bitcoins in the world, how they can be earned and where to spend, you can read in this article.
What is bitcoin
Many people, having first encountered the notion ofcrypto-currencies and bitcoin, can not immediately understand what is at stake. Indeed, this phenomenon is knocked out of the habitual perception of things. The fact is that bitcoin is an intangible object. It can not be touched, exchanged at the nearest bank, paid for bananas in the market. It is likely that this option will be available in the near future. In the meantime, all that can be said about this strange currency is that there are no physical equivalents to it - there is only program code.
How did the bitcoins and how many coins in allworld? The virtual currency was "born" in 2009 by the efforts of a group of programmers who believed that modern banking systems are very far from ideal. The commissions, the taxes that are levied for the transactions performed, absolutely did not suit them. Under the leadership of Satoshi Nakamoto, a payment system was invented, in which all transfers can be made directly, and commissions do not exist in principle. How then is everything arranged?

How many rubles is worth bitcoin
Crypto currency is not tied to any oneeconomic system, and therefore is a phenomenon that has no equal. The whole system is practically not subject to devaluation. One bitcoin at the moment is estimated at $ 426 or 529,000 rubles. Now the currency has a high cost, but it was not always so.
At first financial analysts and specialists did notbelieved in the viability of this invention of programmers and predicted his rapid disappearance. But their forecasts were not justified. In 2009, the cost of one bitcoin was only $ 1. In 2010, a programmer from America, Paslo Hanić, transferred 10,000 bitcoins to a pizzeria account. So he paid for two pizzas. The company is very lucky, because they received about 10 thousand dollars by the then standards. Bitcoin continued its growth, and by the spring of 2011 the cost was already around $ 9. Further, its price increased several times every year, until it reached the level of $ 1,000 in 2013. But the record amount did not last long and by the spring of 2014 it fell three times. Despite the price reduction, the stable growth of the crypto currency indicates that it is in demand and will continue to be present on the electronic money market for a long time.

What you need to know about the advantages of crypto currency
Many people ask about how many bitcoinsin the world. You can learn this by understanding the features of this virtual currency. What makes thousands of people believe in the effectiveness of the bitcoins and buy them, hoping for further growth?
- Ease of use: the procedure for obtaining an electronic wallet is simplified as much as possible. It only takes a few minutes to register. In addition, the transfer of monetary units is easy.
- Bitcoins were created as a fundamentally new currency, as opposed to traditional. Therefore, there are no hidden fees and commissions for transactions.
- Speed of translations. Do not wait for the funds to be credited within "1-5 business days", because the bitcoins arrive instantly.
- Anonymity. To register a wallet, you do not need a binding to personal data, so your incognito will be preserved.
- Guarantee of protection in operations with bitcoins. No one will crack your wallet or steal personal funds.
- Autonomy: the crypto currency is not tied to either oil or gold, and therefore not subject to devaluation and other negative factors.

How many bitcoins in the world are there?
Today's popularity of bitcoins makesalmost everyone is interested in the new currency. Many people wonder how many bitcoins are in the world now. According to various sources, about 13 million coins have already been extracted, which is about 60% of the maximum possible amount. Bitcoins are "extracted" with the help of computers and solving mathematical processes. In the first four years, when the currency had not yet been so popular, and there were a lot of coins, the users of the program "extracted" about 40 percent of the total number of coins. But the program is arranged in such a way that the further the process proceeds, the more difficult and longer the "virtual gold" is extracted, the more capacities it takes to extract it. The process is similar to the real work of gold prospectors: a long and hard work for a pair of grains of precious metal.
There is also a smaller counterpart in bitcoin, satoshi, 100000 000 of which constitute one unit of this crypto currency. However, the complexity of the process does not stop the majority of those who wish to receive their share. It is noteworthy that if you ask how many bitcoins in the world were "in circulation", the answer will be about 37%. The remaining 63% have never been used. How many bitcoins in the world are idle now and why? While bitcoin will not receive official status and wide distribution, the situation is most likely not to change radically.
What is mining?
How can you get bitcoins? Many draw an analogy with the extraction of gold from ore, for which patience is needed, many forces and time. The same happens with the bitcoins, only for their extraction they use not mines, but a special program. Installing it on your computer, you get the opportunity to get your share of the crypto currency. But there is one drawback: for the successful execution of the algorithm, computers of huge capacities are required, therefore, on ordinary home PCs, you are unlikely to be able to "get" bitcoins. The matter is that the decision of similar programs occurs by search of various numbers, to each of which the certain code corresponds. If everything converges with a given template, then a new unit of crypto currency will be issued.

How many bitcoins are mined per day in the world? No one has exact figures, but it is reliably known that every year the process of mining bitcoins goes slower, as more and more users are connected to the program. In addition, it is possible not only to obtain crypto currency, but also to buy it, sometimes btc pay for various services.
How and where to buy crypto currency
How many bitcoins in the world would not exist, many wantto acquire at least a little of such money. And if you do not have a powerful computer, you can just apply to the currency exchange. But the enterprise is rather risky, because no one can guarantee the reliability of such a purchase. The lack of a material equivalent of the currency leads many to bewildered. The fact is that bitcoins exist only in the form of code. And the numerous coins that you can see in the photographs, just souvenirs, which personifies the currency. No value of such "gold" does not. So if you want to buy real treasures, go to the stock exchange. If you do not want to contact the exchange - you can try to buy currency on special exchangers.
You can get a crypto currency for free,for performing certain actions. On the so-called "cranes" distribute Satoshi for selecting images or entering captcha. Having collected a certain number of coins, they can be exchanged for bitcoins, however, this will take time.

How many bitcoins in the world are available
There is no single answer to this question, but the figurefluctuates within 4000 coins. All miners know that it is almost impossible to get bitcoins on an ordinary PC. Major mining companies are likely to be doing business on the production and sale of bitcoins: they purchase expensive equipment and leave little chance for ordinary users of the program. The maximum number of coins that can be obtained is already determined in advance - this is 21 million bitcoins. Exceed this amount will not work, because the restrictions are inscribed in the source code of the program.
When will the crypto currency
How many bitcoins are mined per day in the world? At the moment it is about 3.6 million coins a day. Agree, not so much, given the hundreds of thousands of people connected to the program. The programmers have already calculated that the last bitcoin will be mined around 2140, which means that we all still have time to participate in its extraction. Therefore, the arguments about how many bitcoins are left in the world are often meaningless. Every year the number of participants will grow, and the number of coins produced will decrease, therefore, the Crypto currency will most likely become even more valuable.
Who has the most bitcoins
More and more hoopla rises around the virtualcurrency and its owners. The largest bitcoins-millionaires usually bought crypto currency long before its growth. Whether they were able to predict such popularity, or luck helped them, is unknown. But they, of course, successfully invested their money. The richest owners of coins are the Winklewos brothers, who own a one and a half million state of bitcoins.
Behind them is the founder of the currency. How many bitcoins in the world are currently at Satoshi Nakamoto? It is believed that the programmer owns 1 million btc. The third in number was Roger Ver, who was one of the first to learn about the new currency and to believe in it. True, his condition is much inferior to Nakamoto. Roger owns 300,000 bitcoins, which translates to about 84 billion rubles. Whether these funds will be used is unknown. So far, most of these funds are untouched in their virtual wallets.

Advantages and disadvantages of crypto currency
The bitcoin rate is growing every day, like the numberwishing to receive it. It should be considered whether the hopes of the miners are justified, and whether one should trust such a rapid growth of the currency. What is the advantage of bitcoin?
- Independence. Crypto currency is not tied to anything and, in fact, nobody owns it, so it is not subject to depreciation.
- Anonymity. During registration in the program, you do not need to enter personal data, when you translate funds, the standard "name-surname" columns also need not be filled. Therefore, users can be sure that they will remain completely anonymous.
- High level of currency growth: until now, bitcoin has crashed only once, in 2011, and since that moment continues to grow.
- Absence of intermediaries. When paying for services using bitcoin, you do not need to deduct fees or, after a series of procedures, establish a savings account. Simplicity and security are the main symbols of the success of btc.
But with all the positive sides of the bitcoins, there are many shortcomings.
- First of all, it is the instability of the rate that frightens financial analysts. After all, what is growing rapidly, usually as quickly and collapses. In this respect, the crypto currency is not very trustworthy.
- Lack of legal position. The government of many countries is suspicious of bitcoins. Some even consider the crypto currency to be another monetary pyramid like "MMM". This is due to the fact that the status of bitcoin is not yet clear in many respects, as does its impact on the economy.
- Lack of mass use. Only some shops and companies accept coins like bitcoins for payment. Because of this, it is difficult to pay for services using crypto currency, and it often simply lies idle on the accounts of its owners.

What can you do with virtual coins?
The question of how many bitcoins exists inthe world, does not make sense without knowing where to put them. The first thing you can do if you want to get rid of bitcoins is to sell them. The transaction is carried out at the current exchange rate of the Crypto-currency. You can pay for bitcoins in some stores, just be careful with the change. If you are hungry, PizzaForCoins will gladly feed you in exchange for a crypto currency, and by contacting The Swiss Pharmacy, you can buy medicines. And, of course, the company of the future Virgin Galactic, which plans to launch space tourism in the near future, also takes bitcoins.
Other types of crypto currency
Bitcoin is the most famous form of virtual money and occupies 40% of the entire segment. But the most famous varieties of crypto currency can be attributed to others:
- "Ether" is the first analog of bitcoin, which uses the technology of "smart contracts". It was developed by the programmer Buterin and occupies 18% of the market of crypto-currencies.
- Ripple - was created in order to increasethe speed of operations conducted in banks and save on commissions. For large companies, the amount is more than impressive - about a million dollars of net savings.
- Litecoin - appeared due to an insignificantchange in the code of the bitcoin program. The speed of processing transactions in Litecoin is higher than that of its "parent", 2.5 times. The amount of this currency is also limited by the amount of 84 million coins.
Bitcoins are a currency that, in the opinion ofanalysts, is much more stable than the usual "money" in our understanding. Whether thousands of "getters" of bitcoins will be getting naughty or not, time will tell. Having learned how many bitcoins in the world and when they end, everyone will be able to compose an idea about these coins.