/ What does Peugeot say about 406 reviews?

What do they say about Peugeot 406 reviews?

Some people who have not seen the Peugeot-406Coupe, can say that this is only a two-door modification of the famous 406 model, but this is completely wrong. Two cars have only the same platform, while the other parts are very different.

Peugeot 406 reviews

Coupe, despite the fact that there are only 2 doors,longer than his brother Peugeot 406. Reviews of drivers who had the opportunity to ride on two models, said that these are completely different cars. This time for the design of the coupe took the Italians, who are long-time partners of Peugeot. They managed to achieve an amazing effect. The new model can compete with the grandees, to which in the version the sedan was as before the moon. Even the designers themselves admit that this effect was not expected from the new model. It is interesting that the Italians in reminding of where the car was being developed left an autograph of their atelier in Italy.

But you can admire not only the exterior, but alsointerior Peugeot 406. Reviews of happy owners about the sensations inside the cabin are equally positive. Sergio Pininfarin paid a lot of attention to the ergonomics of the driver's and passengers' seats. All the details inside the interior are made logically and according to the mind.

peugeot 406 coupe
All that is needed is at the driver's fingertips. It was this moment that I wanted to highlight, because when you change into an old model, you understand that there are many imperfect details in it. Such a feeling that everything is not in its place.

And even the fact that the car has only 2 doors, does not spoil the whole picture at all. This can not even be called a flaw. Climbing the rear seats is very simple.

The driver's seat is made on conscience, after all onit is the main load. Manufacturers have turned to the reputable recaro seat manufacturer Recaro, which produces a very high-quality product. This option is perfect for a perfect Peugeot 406 Coupe.

The front panel has not changed muchcompared with the sedan. Slightly decreased the load of the elements of the central panel, the instrument panel became more concise. But at the same time there are details that add the missing note of the sport - a chrome stroke of the instrument scales and the gear lever of aluminum, decorated with a leather knob. Few people may not like to sit at the wheel of a Peugeot 406. Reviews of owners about this car are simply admired, and this is not an exaggeration.

Peugeot 406 Coupe

All these praises fade when you start to presson the gas pedal. It seems that you have been driving the Peugeot 406 Coupe all your life. Riding in it fascinates from the very first seconds of the movement. Excellent dynamics, handling, comfort - from the car you get a real pleasure. I want to get on the rally and try what it's capable of. It is like driving a car like that. He is 100% at the mercy of the driver, succumbing to all his whims. Quickly changes its position on the road. It seems that you are sitting behind the wheel of the ideal car, when at a speed of 140 km / h you can make almost any maneuver on the road. It is very boring to trudge on a car with such a potential over congested routes. The hardest way to go to another model after such a pleasant ride to Peugeot 406. Reviews of the owners of this wonderful car can easily confirm this.

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