/ / What is the consumption of gasoline per 100 km for various vehicles

What is the consumption of gasoline per 100 km for various vehicles

The car today has become an integral partmodern man, thanks to which during the working day you can visit many places and solve important business issues. However, a four-wheeled friend needs timely meals, which in most cases is fuel, and as the price of fuel is getting higher and higher, car enthusiasts are increasingly concerned with the question, what is the consumption of gasoline per 100 km?

Currently, car fleet of carscounts dozens of models of leading automakers that, in turn, produce many brands of four-wheeled assistants. Almost every average family has at least one car, thanks to which the family can move freely to the destination (to work, rest, travel, etc.). If you count all the brands that are presented on the Russian car market, you can get several hundred cars, each of which has its own fuel consumption per 100 km. However, every car owner should carefully consider not only the advantages, but also the shortcomings that a car with a small fuel consumption has, since there are several key points.

First of all, it should be understood that any expensefuel in the car depends, first of all, on the engine's volume, as well as on the fuel system of the machine. The more powerful the engine of your "iron horse," so the consumption of gasoline will be higher, since for the creation of a combustible mixture will require more fuel than for a subcompact. Here, however, there are pluses, because a powerful car has significant advantages when driving off-road, as well as in mountainous terrain. Not without reason in our country such popularity was received by all-wheel drive jeeps which though have the average expense of fuel on 100 km about 15 liters, but nevertheless are actively bought up by affluent owners. Here for increased fuel consumption you get reliability and additional comfort even when driving on a road with poor coverage, which is very important for most domestic roads.

Unfortunately, most of our people do notthemselves to the wealthy, so the issue of fuel consumption remains the most important for a family with an average income. Recently, on the roads are increasingly mono to see small cars like Daewoo Matiz, Volkswagen Polo Chery QQ and so on. These are small compact cars that are designed for convenient movement in the city, especially in confined spaces. Small dimensions and low fuel consumption made them very popular, especially among the female part of the population. Judge for yourself, the gas mileage per 100 km for such a car is about 5 liters. Such economy these cars received due to distributed fuel injection, as well as the newest constructive solutions that are incorporated in the ergonomics of the car (streamlined shape, low landing, and so on). The only drawback of this car is a small saloon and a small luggage compartment, which is not designed to carry bulky goods. In all other respects it is a beautiful car, in which the consumption of gasoline for 100 km will fabulously please any motorist.

In conclusion of our article I would like to drawthe readers' attention to the fact that before choosing a car you should carefully consider the purpose for which you intend to use it. If you are an urban person who spends all his time within the metropolis, then a convenient and compact car with the minimum fuel consumption will suit you best. If you are a fan of fishing and hunting, as well as not averse to get into the forest and mountains, then you will need an all-wheel drive car. In the case of living in rural areas, the choice of car should take into account the condition of the road surface, because even in the worst weather and heavy snowdrifts you should be able to get to your house. That's why the consumption of gasoline per 100 km is far from always playing a decisive role when choosing a car.

Successful choice of cars and smooth roads!

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